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安多手工艺品有限公司 (AmdoCraft)在过去十年中一直与青海省安多藏族游牧民合作。此机构(团体)支持生产西藏手工艺品,主要是由牦牛绒,羊毛制成的编织袋,编织吊索,针织围巾,毡制装饰品,以便为以前游牧的藏族同胞提供稳定收入。藏族青年也在学习或许会失传的传统技艺。目前,超过50户农牧民在安多手工艺品工作,在全世界范围通过网上或商店供应手工艺品-在西宁市的一家咖啡店和手工艺品店也有销售。


Shokay aims to impact the lives of marginalized communities living in poverty by introducing luxury yak down to the global market. They hope to create a market for yak fiber, thus increasing the value of the raw fiber to provide herders with long-term employment and a greater sustainable income. Currently Shokay works with over 2000 people in the province and has helped to set up fiber cooperatives in several villages. By increasing the economic value of traditional yak rearing, local communities will face less pressure to migrate to cities in search of employment opportunities. This also provides people with some choice of preserving traditional ways of life and helps to instill pride in their own culture.


全球游牧(GlobalNomad)在世界屋脊提供信息技术服务。全球游牧位于中国西部的青藏高原,是一家积极进取的公司,不仅为网络开发和信息技术外包需求节约成本,还寄望于为公司所在地的欠发达地区提供新的机会,提高人民生活水平。如今人们甚至 可以在青藏高原偏远地区使用互联网。全球游牧现有来自4大不同洲服务客户,从而缩小了泽库县与世界其他地区之间常年存在的差距。