Other ecotours

Kegawa Herders Cooperative
The herding community in Lari village of Zhiduo County recently established the Kegawa Herders Cooperative to promote local development and cultural continuity, with a focus on livestock products, traditional handicrafts and development of community ecotourism. The main purpose of the cooperative is that the whole community should benefit from ventures such as tourism and business development, not just a few individuals. Many great strides have already been made in the formation and operation of the Cooperative, including agreement by community members on equitable decision-making mechanisms and establishment of a welfare fund.
Several community ecotours already have been trialed. Now you can come participate and explore the region too. Ride a horse or trek through the region; stay with local Tibetan families or in mountain tents; practice your yak herding skills, explore ancient ruins, and search for rare wildlife on the Tibetan plateau. All of these options are available to you - so come enjoy a unique travel experience and support local development and conservation.